Don Toothaker
Winter's Uncomfortable Beauty
I am a photographer, year round, and that is all there is to it. I love New England for its four very different seasons and I welcome the challenges and rewards that each present to my creativity. If you live in New England, or any cold weather location, there is no avoiding the elements of winter so my sincere advice is don't; embrace it. There is too much to miss if you do not push yourself.
Winter, in all of its cold, snowy, awesomeness, has finally arrived here in New England. Better late than never. Most of December and the beginning of January were lackluster by typical winter standards here, but the last few weeks have featured bitterly cold temperatures and harsh arctic winds that made any outdoor activity, especially photography, almost unbearable. The frigid air continued into February only to be then upstaged by a wild Nor'easter that coated the landscape with over two feet of visually stunning, but very restrictive, snow. The fury of a storm can be alarming just as the aftermath can be beautiful. Yes, winter in all of its incredible power is here and If you can see beyond its limitations, accept its discomforts, and tolerate its hardships you can, and will, find and create great beauty. I often say that if you are willing to be uncomfortable you will be rewarded.
It is not uncommon for winter in New England to be difficult which, in turn, makes winter photography in New England VERY difficult, but despite all of its burdens, winter is beautiful and it must be explored and enjoyed as much as possible with your camera. The snow, ice, and freezing temperatures of winter transform every element of the landscape into various stunning scenes that make the finger numbing cold and face freezing wind all worthwhile. Nature puts on an amazing display of color, tone, and detail year round and to miss any of it, including the beautiful features of winter, would be a huge disservice to your photography and to yourself. Spring is not far off, but winter is now; right now. Dress for success and motivate yourself to get out and creatively enjoy the uncomfortable beauty of winter.
Photograph What You Feel
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